Enhance your performance to drive your powerful narrative

How to take YOU to the next level by discovering your unexpressed self 

Being a great presenter is about being a great performer. And being a great performer happens when you broaden your skill set and learn how to make the stage your own.  As a great presenter you need to be able to use your intuition to take risks,  push past your comfort zones and  innovate. It’s about knowing how to use your space, how to access the different tones of your voice, the palette of emotions and most importantly how to connect with your crowd. In our first Masterclass: The Authentic You – we focused on the touchstone of authentic presentation:  narrative. Authentic You – Two builds on the narrative foundations by broadening the performance skills of the participants. One of the big mistakes most presenters make is not understanding how key their physical performance is in transforming their narrative. Most people have a personal repertoire of how they present that they are reluctant to disrupt.  In this masterclass we draw on our decades of  experience as performers and presenters to direct participants towards crafting more dynamic presentations.  We work with you to find unexpressed parts of yourself, looking this time less at the content but more at the composition and the curation of your performance.

This is a the keystone of a presentation. It’s the objective of every presenter, but  its often illusive. So how can you cut through the noise? By delivering something real and relatable and being authentically you. This is the first step. It means they’re listening.  

You want your audience to be enthralled. To lose a sense of time. To wish that you could have gone longer. A great speaker knows how to excite their audience with new ideas, to inspire them to consider new ways of thinking.  

A great speaker creates action in their listener. The listener feels compelled to tell others what they have heard and are inspired towards behaviour change. As a speaker this is perhaps the most glorious goal of all: when you persuade people to take action.

Presentations from TALKBANK Aug 2020